Back again? 

Hi everyone, I’m back and now have the freedom to use this blog as a creative outlet.

Previously this blog was used as a means of assessment criteria for my HND course which I will now be graduating from in November 😊 !

I’ve had to wait for the examining board to mark everything so that explains the silence from me and the lack of posts; as of late.

I want to take this blog in a different route compared to your general beauty bloggers. Yes I might do certain posts like reviews or how to’s etc. But I want this blog to be more than that.

I’ve had some ideas of things to address from what to expect from a massage to how to act in a spa environment to Q&A’s on skincare and spa and many more…

If you have any suggestions for posts or any questions just comment below and I will get back to you ASAP !



It’s nearly over…

This academic year is coming to an end and the end of this blog; I have completed many different tasks in order to complete my action plan however before the action plan I discounted some tasks from my SWOT analysis because of time and commitment restrictions these included:

  • Completing the Dermalogica Training – Unfortunately I did not have the time to be able to complete this training due to work and university commitments; however once this academic year is finished I will be completing the training as I will have the time and resources to do so. I feel that when I have completed this training I will be able to offer a deeper breadth of knowledge to myself and therefore offer greater knowledge and expertise to my customers


  • Completing Hot Stone Massage – Regrettably I also did not have the time to be able to attend a hot stone workshop at college. I did look into this option but again the sessions clashed with my work and other personal commitments ;  I will hopefully be able to attend these sessions when the new level 3’s start in September. I feel that if I can offer this treatment it will greatly improve my skills and offer new opportunities to my customers.


I believe that once I have completed these tasks I will overall be more knowledgeable and determined to succeed in other aspects of my career; gaining this experience is the first step to my progression in the beauty and spa industry.


Signing off…. J





What I’ve accomplished this year…

Okay this year has been hard and challenging in places and I’m not just talking about academically im talking about my personal life to; but I  won’t bore you with those details (Plus there personal).

ednaOne of my favourite quotes is the one stated above from The Incredibles and in some situations its true like for personal things that can’t be changed but for academia it doesn’t apply. Reflection and development are the core to succeeding. By using an action plan for the year I have been able to focus on what my weaknesses are from the past and turn them into strengths.



Kolb’s Reflective Cycle (1984) has been of great help to me over the course of the year. I have been able to use it to determine what went wrong or well, what I learnt from the experience and then developing those skills further and reusing them more effectively.

Step 1 – Concrete Experience

This year has been tough definitely, but I have had many experiences that I have been able to develop my skills over. Take for example my blog post on the Indian Head Massage tutorial.

Step 2 – Reflective Observation

Once having an experience I wrote down what I think I did well and what I didn’t do so well. I then asked the people that were there if they had any other ideas for how I could improve.

Step 3 – Abstract Conceptualisation

Then I concluded what I learnt from the experience or what I hadn’t and this lead me to step four…

Step 4 – Active Experimentation

I then tried out what I had learnt again and practiced different things that the other people had mentioned (Indian Head Massage… Again) After I had practiced the whole process started again to see what I could strengthen next time

I’ve accomplished so much this year through my action plan and my personal life, I think I’m finally learning that I must develop to be able to progress.

This year has been full of reflection and development for me and I can only hope that I can continue to learn, reflect and develop over time.





Employability Week 

For employability week I was asked by my university supervisor if I would come and talk to the Level Three hair groups about progression onto Levels Four and Five. I said that I would enjoy doing that and asked what kind of things they would want to know.


When I arrived at the session the students were rowdy and noisy but soon calmed down once their tutor had explained what we would be discussing. V the study skills coach also attended the session and gave a short presentation of the sorts of things to expect once studying the level 4.

I then asked if any of the students were thinking about going on to the program; none of them were particularly interested as they all had jobs currently is salons and would be working full time once they finished their level 3.

I explained to them if they did change their minds they can still apply and I would answer any questions they had then by email.


I then attended a session with the older group of hair students who were studying the level 3; one of these students was really interested in the course and asked lots of questions. I explained about the level of work and commitment you have to give to the course just in order to finish one unit; and she was still very enthusiastic. I explained to her if she needed any advice about the course she could contact V or myself and I would help them the best I could.

I then went to see the current Level Four’s and spoke with them about the change onto Level Five; they all seemed enthusiastic and also had some questions about Unit 6 Project Design, Implementation and Evaluation. I explained to them about my project but told them there were not set topics to choose from so they could take the unit wherever they wanted. This seemed to really boost morale of the group to finish the Level Four and continue onto Level Five.


The group also had some questions about their current units so I spoke with them on what I had done to reach each assessment criteria. I then wished them good luck with the rest of their course and said if they wanted to contact me on anything else they could do.

I wished all the groups with the best in their studies and their careers. I would say that although some of the students were not necessarily interested in the courses that they did gain something from myself coming to speak to them. It may not be something that they consider straight away but maybe in a couple of years they would consider studying.

In terms of my own employability I have continued to network on LinkedIn and all other social media platforms and on Twitter I even had a conversations on one of my Tweets with Models Own !!!




Mentoring !

As part of my action plan I wanted to take it upon myself to mentor and coach younger and less experienced learners in different aspects of Beauty and Spa Therapy.

I decided to start this process when a level 2 student started volunteering on a Saturday where I work; it became apparent that she was very enthusiastic but did lack some confidence and understanding in some areas such as waxing and the spa journey that clients take.

I chose this student mainly because she showed a real passion for the role. I started the mentoring by introducing myself and explaining what I wanted to do within the process and if there was anything that she wanted to focus on.

She immediately said that she would like help with her waxing technique and would like an introduction to the spa as she was considering whether to do the beauty or spa level 3 route.

When I had time I mentored her and let her ask questions; I also allowed her to shadow me whilst I was doing spa journeys. She said that that had really helped as she was always thinking of what to talk to clients about. I spoke through the consultation process of the spa and allowed her to practice on me also. I did this a number of times throughout her time at Revive.

I also showed her how to answer the phone whilst on reception and take payments; for me this was a great experience as it allowed me to pass on this knowledge once I had learnt it recently.

I helped her with her waxing skills when she was struggling with a client; I went through the techniques and approaches as well as the actual application of the treatment.

I shadowed her aftercare advice on as many treatments as possible and she asked questions on alternative products to offer. She quickly picked up on the products and how to communicate with the client.

She asked me plently of questions throughout the time she spent with me and said that she has really enjoyed and learnt a lot whilst volunteering.

Critically I want to continue to improve her skills if she continues into the level 3 as she shows real promise to progress as a beauty therapist if she chooses. I will do this by meeting with her on more regular occasions and once something has been learnt I will ask her if she wants to look into any other aspects of beauty therapy. For example I have friends who work on cruise ships, salons and spas so I could utilise them and encourage her in other avenues of beauty therapy.


Indian Head Massage… Again !!! 

This week I undertook another Indian head massage tutorial (IHM); this time for a younger class of level 2 hairdressers. I provided the students without some information about my education in beauty therapy and then proceeded to go through a short presentation on IHM which included a short history, preparation instructions, contraindications, contractions, effects and benefits and aftercare   

 When I carried out the presentation I took any questions from the students to ensured they understood what I was explaining to them. 

Once I had taken questions again at the end of the presentation i then needed a volunteer for me to show the practical side of IHM. 

Once I had a volunteer I then told them students to find a partner and set up their  work area as I had done. 

I demonstrated warming up exercises for the hands and arms of the therapist and then carried out a ten minute IHM on my model; doing each step one by one and getting the students to practice this on their model. Questions were asked by myself and the students, and answers given throughout this process and I also helped students one to one if they were struggling with a movement.

Overall I would say that the IHM lesson went well as the students seemed enthusiastic and asked lots of questions throughout and at the end of the session. And seemed truly appreciative of the session. 


As part of unit 33 I have to carry out some development activities and this session was aimed at me practicing my communication skills with students this I feel that I carried out well; however for future improvement I would like to have extra materials that I can teach them and not just restrict their learning to IHM. 

Indian Head Massage Tutorial


I completed a Indian Head Massage (IHM) tutorial for some hairdressing mature level 2 students a while ago and am now updating my notes to my blog.

So here goes…..

  • I organised a short PowerPoint presentation to keep the students interested ; this included the history of IHM, preparation, aftercare, contra actions etc.
  • The students listened to the PowerPoint and asked questions throughout which I was happy to answer
  • then a model was used to perform the IHM; I took the students through the routine step by step and allowed them to ask questions and for me to show them on their models if they needed extra help
  • overall  the session was a real success and I have been asked by the assessor/ tutor to do this tutorial again for younger students
  • when I do this again I  will aim to ask students questions throughout the IHM tutorial

Signing off …