My Skincare Routine 

Hi guys ! Back again I see. So this week I’ll be talking about my skincare routine and what products I use.

If you haven’t read my skincare story click here and give that a read first. It explains a little bit of my history and how my skin has got to where it is today.

Sitting comfortably? Then let’s begin.

Okay so it might sound ridiculous but I kinda love cleansing my face! Especially to get rid of any makeup I’ve had on for the day. When I’ve been at work all day and listened to clients stories of their lives; some happy and some sad. It’s kind of a way for me to strip myself back and just become me again. The me when I’m not at work.


I mean I’ve had clients in for facials and they’ve broken down because a pet has died or a woman for a bikini wax whose sister is cheating on her boyfriend and she feels guilty for not telling him, but feels loyalty to her sister! I get told all sorts of things! I’m basically a therapist as well. Taking off my makeup is a way to remove all those things that I’ve had in some small way experienced with them.

The routine started off simple, but it’s evolved and grown from simply cleaning and moisturising.

My Daily Skincare Routine:

  • Cleanse
  • Tone
  • Moisturise
  • Eye Cream

Both morning and night I follow this routine, I will generally use the same products each day but I will sometimes use samples that I have been given at work, or what I have gotten from magazines.


My Weekly Skincare Routine:

  • Exfoliating once or twice a week depending on what my skin needs
  • Use a mask to target different issues. I will multi-mask (use two or more masks at once to get the best results) if needed.

I ensure to remove dead skin cells at least once a week, if I didn’t I would basically be using my moisturiser for no reason. What is the point in moisturising already dry and dead skin cells when you can have fresh regenerated ones from underneath !

My Miscellaneous Skincare Routine:

  • Have a facial at least once every 4 months (I basically do my own every day so I don’t need them as often, but I always recommend a facial every 4 -6 weeks to clients!)
  • Clean my face sponges and replace regularly so that bacteria, dirt and makeup doesn’t build up over time (This can cause spots, eye infections etc.)
  • Clean my make up brushes every day with a sanitising spray to prevent spot causing bacteria from building up on the brushes
  • Deep clean make up brushes once a week to really get the ingrained make up and bacteria off them !

I do these ‘extra bits’ because it ensures that I keep my tools/equipment as sterile and as clean as possible, using dirty tools and make up applicators can make spots worse !

Now yes this may seem a lot, but it is truly worth it. My skin has never been as good as it is now and it also helps to plan for the future. After all the quicker you start to look after your skin the less wrinkles you’ll have when you get older, BONUS !!! (Check out this article if you don’t believe me!)

Our skin is the largest organ in the body; cleansing ensures that make up, dirt, dead skin cells and bacteria are removed. And when using certain products cleansing can also help to fight the first signs of ageing, adult acne, rosacea, redness and many more… It’s all about finding a routine that works for you.

I always try new products, mainly because its part of my job to know what’s on the market and what works and what doesn’t. But I love trying new things, especially if I find a new product that I simply cannot live without! But listed below are my staple products that I return to again and again.

My Holy Grail of Skincare Products:

  • Eye Make-Up Remover Lotion – Boots Essentials (£1.50 each or 3 for £3.00 across the range)
  • Pre Cleanse – Dermalogica (£34.35 for 150ml)
  • Essential Cleansing Solution – Dermalogica (£49.00 for 500ml)
  • Balancing Lavender Toner – Elemis (£22.50 for 200ml)
  • Skin Prep Scrub – Dermalogica (£28.50 for 75ml)
  • Skin Smoothing Cream – Dermalogica ( £47.70 for 100ml)
  • Herbal Lavender Repair Mask – Elemis (£31.00)
  • Radiance Face Mask – Balance Me (£18.00)


Check out Dermalogica here !

 Check out Elemis here !

Check out Boots here !

Check out Balance Me here !

YES I KNOW ITS AN EXPENSIVE HABIT !! (£210.05) But I did not start out on the higher end products, I started on Boots, then Simple etc. I worked my way up and found what worked for me and trust me it was worth the money (Plus I get 20% Dermalogica at work !), and they last for ever ! With the higher end more professional skincare brands a little product goes a long way. They roughly last me anywhere between 8-12 months !!! Plus I ask for a lot of this stuff for birthdays and Christmas so I wont be buying it constantly, the thing is I know it works, it works for me its worth the money !

Thanks for reading this far STAY TUNED next week for another post !



If you enjoyed this post then please follow me on my other social media sites:

Instagram: mylifeasjessthebeautytherapist

Twitter: @MLAJessTBT

Don’t forget to leave a comment on this post and on my other social media platforms or email me at: with ideas for new posts, requests, thoughts or questions !



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