
I decided that proofreading was something that I definitely needed to add to my action plan and develop over the year. I decided that using a proofreader to check over my reports and presentations was the next best step to take in order to achieve higher marks for my work.

The aim was that once I had finished a report or presentation I would email the study skills coach; and organise a meeting so that she could go through them with me and change any errors  or spellings. 

It became apparent that with the amount of assignments due in around the same time being able to meet the study skills coach wasn’t viable. I decided that asking my parents and sister (who is also doing a university course) would be the next best option. 

Everytime an assignment was ready I would get them to read through it. It actually did bring out certain areas that did need changing; whether it be the punctuation or the actual wording of a sentence in order for it to make sense. 

Proofreading has definitely helped and may have gotten me higher marks for some assignments but only time will tell. It’s so important to proofread an assignment when you are writing a report; you assume that what you are writing makes sense. However for someone else it may just be complete gibberish ! 

The critical side of me however wishes that I’d made time for the study coach to proofread my work also as she is used to the methods of assessment and how to hit criteria. For future courses I will definitely use her as an asset 

Get someone to proofread for you even if they do it section by section. Because trust me reading a 50 page report on something that your not interested in can be labourious ! 

P.S – I made my sister proofread this very blog post !