Dermalogica Skin Treatment Facial


I finally treated myself to a Dermalogica facial ! Now I have had them before and do use the products at work and in my own skincare routine; so I know a fair amount about the products. But its been forever since I re-evaluated what I was using on my skin and actually treated myself to some much needed ‘down time’. This last month has been a bit crazy for me and my family (and my skin was definitely NOT behaving) and I wanted to just take some time out and chill., switch off and recuperate.

This is my experience receiving a Dermalogica Skin Treatment Facial at a new salon that I haven’t been to before. I wanted to go in completely blind and for my therapist to also be unaware of my status as a Beauty Therapist. So I did not let on about my job, experiences or what products I already use.

Basically I wanted to test myself to make sure that I hadn’t gotten comfortable with my skincare routine and also test the skin therapist and check that she knew what she was doing and what she was recommending me was correct.



The Steps to a Healthier Skin Future

  • Booking – I decided to ring a local salon and book a facial. I acted ignorant to what I needed and allowed the receptionist to ask questions on my skin and my current needs from “Have you had a facial recently?” to “Do you suffer from acne prone skin?” to “Are you a lady of mature age?” etc. The receptionist quickly ascertained which of their facial treatments would be best suited to my ‘skincare goals/ needs’ I then chose a day and time and all was set.


  • Arrival – The receptionist who I spoke when booking the appointment advised me to arrive 15 minutes before my treatment time to complete a consultation, so I arrived early. I was offered a glass of water and a comfortable seat to sit in. The receptionist then came over and offered me the consultation sheet on a clipboard and explained what and how I needed to complete it.


  • Consultation – At first I was a little daunted by the size of the consultation, a little bigger than an A4 piece of paper and double sided. But I have to say it was very detailed and definitely allowed the therapist to understand what I use on my skin, my stress levels, medications, and what I expected from the treatment etc. I think this for me is one of the best features of a Dermalogica Skin Treatment (Along with its products and skin mapping, but I’ll get to that a little later on).


  • Treatment – Upon completion of my consultation my therapist Emma White* took me through to the treatment room (5 MINUTES EARLY!), it was a warm, calm and tranquil environment. With dim lighting and relaxing ‘spa’ music and comfy bedding and seating areas it was truly heaven. Emma* then spoke through the consultation with me, asking in more detail certain questions such as ‘What products do you use?” , “How often do you use these?” “Does anything trigger your spotty outbreaks?” etc. She allowed me to change in private and I got on the bed having removed my top and bra and covering myself with the towel provided. When she came back she washed her hands and then explained which of the products she would be using to benefit my skin after a very detailed Dermalogica Skin Mapping. She explained that she would not be using the steamer on this occasion as she wanted to address the outbreak I was currently experiencing. She used a deep exfoliation to really deep clean my skins surface, and products from the Medibac Range. She then applied the face masque she allowed me relax alone in the room for around 10 minutes, something that I was taught never to do with a client. (What if they started to have a reaction to a product? what if they fell of the bed etc.) However I have to say this time alone did relax me and I assume that Emma had gone to collect samples and write my prescription of products, and aftercare advice in this time. The treatment itself was relaxing, the pressure points and lymphatic drainage she used on my face and scalp was divine. My skin felt amazing afterwards with a red healthy glow. Emma* left me to re-dress and then told me to meet her downstairs to go through the treatment aftercare advice and product optionsOverall this Dermalogica Skin Treatment was very relaxing and very informative, for an hour its £39.00 so not cheap and if you want a scalp, arm or back massage (Dermalogica Touch Therapy) with it its an extra £10.oo for an additional 15mins. Although I did go in earlier than my treatment time and finished 10 minutes after the original finish time so I did get a longer treatment than I had paid for (This could be because I was a new client?). A great treatment, I’ve since rebooked a facial with Emma* but am still looking at other salons in the area.
  • Aftercare Advice – Emma* had a glass of lemon water waiting for me a comfy chair with a hot water bottle on to keep me warm, she then went through my skin mapping sheet, advised me on how to use my current skincare and what would be beneficial to add in. Emma was very happy to show me the products but did not in any way force me to buy them or become pushy, she offered me samples and took my payment and then asked if I wanted to rebook.

Overall a really great treatment and experience, at £39.00 for an hour its not cheap however.

I have since rebooked with Emma for another skin treatment as well as reflexology, manicure and pedicure.

J 😊

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*Names changed for confidentiality purposes.