
I’m making progress !!!


Yesterday at University, I researched a Continual Professional Development plan (CPD) and then used some template ideas to start me off on creating a CPD for a level 2 beauty therapy student that I have permission to mentor and coach. I chose the student because she exhibits a real passion for beauty and is always asking questions on how I do treatments or how I work my day to day bookings. She’s very enthusiastic and she’s stated before that she wishes to progress onto level 3 and above 🙂


The CPD plan I’ve created will be used within the salon and the student will be monitored on all of the aims that I feel she needs to concentrate and improve on more. The tasks that I want the student to practice are; eyebrow waxing, receptionists skills and duties, spa hosting and aftercare advice. These will then be monitored throughout the year and hopefully progression will be made. I hope that with my input that the student will gain more confidence, skills and techniques to achieve her level 2 qualification and go onto complete level 3 and beyond.


I’ve also took the time to update my action plan for PPD with reference to the mentoring and of my own professional development through the CPD and with keeping up to date on social media with all the new trends within the industry. It was an easy step to make as I already have accounts on the biggest social media sites so its just a case of ‘following’ or ‘liking’ the right people and companies.





Indian Head Massage… Again !!! 

This week I undertook another Indian head massage tutorial (IHM); this time for a younger class of level 2 hairdressers. I provided the students without some information about my education in beauty therapy and then proceeded to go through a short presentation on IHM which included a short history, preparation instructions, contraindications, contractions, effects and benefits and aftercare   

 When I carried out the presentation I took any questions from the students to ensured they understood what I was explaining to them. 

Once I had taken questions again at the end of the presentation i then needed a volunteer for me to show the practical side of IHM. 

Once I had a volunteer I then told them students to find a partner and set up their  work area as I had done. 

I demonstrated warming up exercises for the hands and arms of the therapist and then carried out a ten minute IHM on my model; doing each step one by one and getting the students to practice this on their model. Questions were asked by myself and the students, and answers given throughout this process and I also helped students one to one if they were struggling with a movement.

Overall I would say that the IHM lesson went well as the students seemed enthusiastic and asked lots of questions throughout and at the end of the session. And seemed truly appreciative of the session. 


As part of unit 33 I have to carry out some development activities and this session was aimed at me practicing my communication skills with students this I feel that I carried out well; however for future improvement I would like to have extra materials that I can teach them and not just restrict their learning to IHM.