My Skincare Story

Okay buckle yourself in, get some snacks and get comfy this is going to be a long one.

I’ll start at the beginning, (where else would I start?) I had normal skin, fresh faced, rosy cheeks and dark eyelashes to frame everything off, no problems as such.

Then it hit. Puberty. Yep that really slapped me in the face. And slap me in the face it did; spots, redness, dry patches and eczema really topped it off! Using soap and water to wash my face really didn’t help, plus brands like clearasil really dried out my skin and caused more spots to form !!!

Now would you credit it that I can’t find any photos of me at that really awful stage (trust me it’s better this way you wouldn’t want to see them anyway) around eighteen my skin had slowed down with the teenage spots and just replaced them with hormonal spots. However the redness, dryness and eczema was still a persistent problem.

My Skin aged 17/18


My skin aged 18/19


Aged eighteen I started a beauty therapy course and started taking my skincare routine seriously. I took the time to cleanse, tone and moisturise everyday and then exfoliate and use a mask to combat my concerns once a week.

My skin aged 20


My skin aged 22


Now my skin is a a whole different story ! I still get the occasional spots from stress and hormones but other than that my skin is clear. Don’t get me wrong it took time with the routine, eating healthier and ensuring I got plenty of sleep, but eventually its paid off.

I have still got some scarring from the spots but with makeup it’s easy to cover up; and I am using regular treatments and products designed to reduce redness. My eczema seems to have now travelled to my hands and legs and doesn’t appear on my face unless I am seriously stressed (*touches wood) !!!

All in all using the correct products and following a routine has really helped combat my skin concerns!

STAY TUNED next week for a post on my current skincare routine !

J x

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