It’s nearly over…

This academic year is coming to an end and the end of this blog; I have completed many different tasks in order to complete my action plan however before the action plan I discounted some tasks from my SWOT analysis because of time and commitment restrictions these included:

  • Completing the Dermalogica Training – Unfortunately I did not have the time to be able to complete this training due to work and university commitments; however once this academic year is finished I will be completing the training as I will have the time and resources to do so. I feel that when I have completed this training I will be able to offer a deeper breadth of knowledge to myself and therefore offer greater knowledge and expertise to my customers


  • Completing Hot Stone Massage – Regrettably I also did not have the time to be able to attend a hot stone workshop at college. I did look into this option but again the sessions clashed with my work and other personal commitments ;  I will hopefully be able to attend these sessions when the new level 3’s start in September. I feel that if I can offer this treatment it will greatly improve my skills and offer new opportunities to my customers.


I believe that once I have completed these tasks I will overall be more knowledgeable and determined to succeed in other aspects of my career; gaining this experience is the first step to my progression in the beauty and spa industry.


Signing off…. J





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