Employability Week 

For employability week I was asked by my university supervisor if I would come and talk to the Level Three hair groups about progression onto Levels Four and Five. I said that I would enjoy doing that and asked what kind of things they would want to know.


When I arrived at the session the students were rowdy and noisy but soon calmed down once their tutor had explained what we would be discussing. V the study skills coach also attended the session and gave a short presentation of the sorts of things to expect once studying the level 4.

I then asked if any of the students were thinking about going on to the program; none of them were particularly interested as they all had jobs currently is salons and would be working full time once they finished their level 3.

I explained to them if they did change their minds they can still apply and I would answer any questions they had then by email.


I then attended a session with the older group of hair students who were studying the level 3; one of these students was really interested in the course and asked lots of questions. I explained about the level of work and commitment you have to give to the course just in order to finish one unit; and she was still very enthusiastic. I explained to her if she needed any advice about the course she could contact V or myself and I would help them the best I could.

I then went to see the current Level Four’s and spoke with them about the change onto Level Five; they all seemed enthusiastic and also had some questions about Unit 6 Project Design, Implementation and Evaluation. I explained to them about my project but told them there were not set topics to choose from so they could take the unit wherever they wanted. This seemed to really boost morale of the group to finish the Level Four and continue onto Level Five.


The group also had some questions about their current units so I spoke with them on what I had done to reach each assessment criteria. I then wished them good luck with the rest of their course and said if they wanted to contact me on anything else they could do.

I wished all the groups with the best in their studies and their careers. I would say that although some of the students were not necessarily interested in the courses that they did gain something from myself coming to speak to them. It may not be something that they consider straight away but maybe in a couple of years they would consider studying.

In terms of my own employability I have continued to network on LinkedIn and all other social media platforms and on Twitter I even had a conversations on one of my Tweets with Models Own !!!




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