Keeping up with the Karda… Beauty and Spa Industry ! 

You didn’t really think I’d do a post on the Kardashian’s did you? Well I suppose in some ways they do have an influence on the industry. I mean they have makeup, nail care, hair care, eyelashes ! You name it they’ve probably done it! (And probably will do everything else beauty related in the future).

They’ve definitely left a large stamp on the beauty industry and with shows such as theirs; TOWIE, Geordie Shore and various others it’s no wonder these ‘celebrities’ make such an impact on our industry.

Just the other day I had a lady for an eyebrow wax and she wanted them like ‘Kim K’ and yes I knew instantly what that meant; I had to explain to the client that eyebrows are defined by your face shape and will not look the same on everyone! I explained and she asked tonnes of questions and seemed really pleased that I spent the time to explain this to her (She left really happy I might add – without Kim K eyebrows).

So as part of my action plan I decided that being in the hair,beauty and spa industry is very quick paced with new products coming out every week or so. I needed to brush up on my knowledge and keep ‘on trend’ and up to date.

I started by looking at companies on Facebook and these linked to different pages that advertised new products and up and coming trends. Facebook was easily accessible as I already have an account and know how to use it. Facebook was ideal also as it linked me to local and international companies that had great products; I was notified immediately when these companies posted new trends or products so it was easy to keep up.


Next I looked to Instagram which I also use on a daily basis to keep up to date with friends and celebrities day to day lives. Again the format was easy to follow as I already have an understanding of the site and use it regularly. I could easily look through ‘tags’ on different subject areas such as ‘spa’ or ‘facial’ to bring up products, reviews and new treatment ideas. I have found that both Instagram and Facebook are really current and up to date as they can post anything with a few clicks. Twitter offered a similar platform to Instagram and often posted links to websites, training courses and companies with new products or treatments. Just by searching terms such as ‘beauty’, ‘spa’, ‘facials’, ‘waxing’ etc.


 I’ve found that for myself as a Beauty Therapist Dermalogica’s Instagram accounts are really up to date and show new products and trends. There is at least one new post each day; whether it be a new product launch, inspirational quote or competition.


   Another really good find was my subscriptions to Cosmopolitan and Glamour Magazine; the monthly magazines have regular beauty coloumns, articles and pages on hair and beauty products, trends and spas.

LinkedIn has also been a great influence in keeping up with the trends; being able to connect with people in my industry and following companies, and people who I can learn from or have an invested interest in. It has allowed me to contact people in the industry that have different skills and training to me and has also opened up an opportunity to attend the Beauty UK Show in May this year.


I’ve also made use of the thousands of videos on Youtube; I have watched different videos from how to carry out Dermalogica Skin Mapping, The Spa Find Youthful You Anti-Ageing Facial and more…. The opportunities were endless, I watched product reviews, product and treatment reviews and ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) videos which has opened up a new variety of explanations as to why people experience goosebumps or tingles on their body when listening to a person carrying out their treatment.



Although these websites, apps and accounts have been helpful and influential I still think that training is essential in terms of continually keeping on trend and up to date. It has helped me to be able to converse with clients about new products on the market and to be able to sell Dermalogica products but I feel that if I attended some training I would have seen more benefit from this development activity.

These social media platforms however are a really easy and cost effective method of ‘keeping up with the beauty and spa industry!’


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