Mentoring !

As part of my action plan I wanted to take it upon myself to mentor and coach younger and less experienced learners in different aspects of Beauty and Spa Therapy.

I decided to start this process when a level 2 student started volunteering on a Saturday where I work; it became apparent that she was very enthusiastic but did lack some confidence and understanding in some areas such as waxing and the spa journey that clients take.

I chose this student mainly because she showed a real passion for the role. I started the mentoring by introducing myself and explaining what I wanted to do within the process and if there was anything that she wanted to focus on.

She immediately said that she would like help with her waxing technique and would like an introduction to the spa as she was considering whether to do the beauty or spa level 3 route.

When I had time I mentored her and let her ask questions; I also allowed her to shadow me whilst I was doing spa journeys. She said that that had really helped as she was always thinking of what to talk to clients about. I spoke through the consultation process of the spa and allowed her to practice on me also. I did this a number of times throughout her time at Revive.

I also showed her how to answer the phone whilst on reception and take payments; for me this was a great experience as it allowed me to pass on this knowledge once I had learnt it recently.

I helped her with her waxing skills when she was struggling with a client; I went through the techniques and approaches as well as the actual application of the treatment.

I shadowed her aftercare advice on as many treatments as possible and she asked questions on alternative products to offer. She quickly picked up on the products and how to communicate with the client.

She asked me plently of questions throughout the time she spent with me and said that she has really enjoyed and learnt a lot whilst volunteering.

Critically I want to continue to improve her skills if she continues into the level 3 as she shows real promise to progress as a beauty therapist if she chooses. I will do this by meeting with her on more regular occasions and once something has been learnt I will ask her if she wants to look into any other aspects of beauty therapy. For example I have friends who work on cruise ships, salons and spas so I could utilise them and encourage her in other avenues of beauty therapy.


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