Progress in 2016…

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Welcome 2016!!

Unit 30 was handed in and completed before Christmas, so now I have completed one of my action steps on my action plan for Unit 33. I managed to carry out relevant and helpful background reading before starting Unit 30 and it was much easier to start the overall report this way. I will definitely used background reading again before I sit and stare at a blank screen wondering where to start.


I would also say that in the build up to Christmas I did gain more confidence in the Spa Find range and did sell lots of Christmas gifts sets to new and regular clients. And since the new year has begun I have a new found confidence and approach to selling products to clients regularly and effectively. I generally now start a consultation with asking my clients if they have had the treatment before and if they are using any products currently; I can then determine whether they are in the market for new products and I will explain the benefits of adding an extra step into their home-care routine.


It not just Cleanse, Tone and Moisturise these days…. It’s pre-cleanse, cleanse, tone, ex-foliate, mask, serum, eye cream, moisturise, targeted treatments and more….

Reading and researching about new and upcoming products and innovative treatments in my spare time in magazines, articles, journals and on YouTube and twitter has given me a broader knowledge and confidence to strike up a selling conversation with my clients. Which coincidentally was another way for me to sell to more clients from my action plan steps.





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