Indian Head Massage Tutorial


I completed a Indian Head Massage (IHM) tutorial for some hairdressing mature level 2 students a while ago and am now updating my notes to my blog.

So here goes…..

  • I organised a short PowerPoint presentation to keep the students interested ; this included the history of IHM, preparation, aftercare, contra actions etc.
  • The students listened to the PowerPoint and asked questions throughout which I was happy to answer
  • then a model was used to perform the IHM; I took the students through the routine step by step and allowed them to ask questions and for me to show them on their models if they needed extra help
  • overall  the session was a real success and I have been asked by the assessor/ tutor to do this tutorial again for younger students
  • when I do this again I  will aim to ask students questions throughout the IHM tutorial

Signing off …


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